YOGA - Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga

HATHA YOGA | Yoga Asana meditation stretching Push up Spirituality kundlini Surya namaskar telephathy yoga for happiness Yoga for Kundalini awakening advance meditation, Yoga for beginner, ashtanga yoga

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Saturday, 1 September 2018



what is yoga.

                          YOGA MEDITATION

By recognizing his existence through human being, understanding with full discretion and control combines his existence with the power of the universe and he knows that he is pervading all the universe; there is no remaining to know anything else for that person. 
There is no desire to get anything else. All these things have the same meaning that Yoga is a path that the follower can get everything in this world. Because through yoga, we stabilize our mind, if our mind becomes stable, our receptivity will increase. And the increase in the receptivity increases our ability to know, and thus our intelligence begins to exaggerate the excessive need of knowledge; By yoga to hole humans are links that detail intelligence universe of your wisdom, that knowledge of all components of the entire universe and the universe.

 The important goal of yoga is to get complete knowledge. The goal of yoga is only one, but there are many types of yoga. 
Like Hatha Yoga, Raj Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Sankhya Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Kundalini Awakening Yoga .

Telepathy, hypnotism, mesmerism, Divya Drishti, third eye opening, Kundalini power, etc. All kinds of actions are done by meditation. 
Meditation is the highest state of our ability to reach the ultimate goal of Yoga. At present, the entire world is embracing Yoga in its lifestyle, but Yoga provides not only physical and mental life but also the basis for knowing and controlling its spiritual and spiritual life. 
The eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga are as follows Yama, Rule, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahar, Dharana, meditation, Samadhi, all Ashtanga Yoga. Through the Yama Rule, man makes his social and behavioral and his mental level very pure and sacred by which his mind remains calm, so that he can live his life with full bliss without any collision in this world. 
After this, through the pranayam, on our own lives i.e. our breaths are controlled, controlling our breath, which is playful, our mind is controlled, it becomes easy to get our attention by controlling the mind and concentrating our mind It seems that the concentration of mind is increased to a higher level, so that we can attain the ultimate goal of yoga. 

When we reach the highest level of meditation, The Kundalini power that is present inside the body gets awakened and we can use our brain with full potential as the awakening of the Kundalini power, as you know that 100,000,000,000 neurons are found in our brain, through which the information and thoughts of sympathizers Exchanges. 
So in our control of 100,000,000,000 neurons, only our maximum control is 5%. 
We have no control over the other neurons and through yoga, we can control all the 1000 million new neurons in our brain by awakening the Kundalini. Being in our control of neurons means that all the actions of our body will be in our control and when all of our actions in this body are in our control, then we will be able to improve our happiness and misery, You will be able to control so Yoga is very important for life, through which it can take its life to new dimensions.
                              You can achieve new possibilities and make your human level higher. Yoga is great Yoga is healthy Yoga science is Yoga is clear Yoga is sacred. Therefore every person should make every person yogic, You must join the boundaries of your ego and have to introduce it to infinite boundaries of this universe, then only man can recognize his original existence. The goal of this is the importance of yoga, which is yoga.

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                                      Mukesh kumawat


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